What To Do On Weekends? It's Bonding Time!

I always spent my weekends bonding with my little boy and my family. I make sure that my weekends was only for him and no work can be done on that day. In that case, I can have a lot of time to play with him and teach him.

Gabriel loves to play basketball; he became interested on it since his father always watched basketball games on television. We bought him a small ball and his own basketball ring that he may used in playing.

Sometimes he used his father Spalding ball which is quite big and heavy for him. I don't know why, but he enjoy to use it rather than his small ball.

He loves it when he got someone attention and praise him. As a mother, I always cheer and claps for him whenever he got a perfect shoot. But, whenever he sees that you're not paying attention to him, he will going to throw the ball hard straight to your face for you to acknowledge him. Hahaha..so you better watch out.

Here is a picture of us when he is in the mood. It's very hard for me to take a picture of him because he always want to play with the camera. hahaha.

What about you? What do you do on weekends? You can share it with me at the comment box below. Thanks for dropping by!
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