Nothing is perfect

Hindi lahat ng tao perpekto!

Kung hindi ka mag momove-on' kawawa ka!

Kung puro hate ang nasa puso mo' kawawa ka din!

Kung hindi ka marunong magpatawad' Mas kawawa ka!

Dyos nga ng papatawad eh'

Don't worry minsan lang ako humingi ng sorry'
Hindi ko na inuulit kung wala naman dapat ihingi ng sorry.

Happy Mother's Day

Advance Happy mothers day mama ko'
You are super duper super duper the best mom in the world!
Thanks for everything and also for taking care of my son'
You had me at my worst and you had me at my best'
Now that I now a mom like you' I will make sure that I will also do everything for my son like you do to me.
Words are not enough to say how I am lucky to be your daughter.
I love you forever and I will never leave you.

Happy mother's day!

This song is for you mama

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